It’s finally official: GRANDProto300 has been approved by local authorities to be deployed in the Gobi desert! This array will serve as the main pathfinder for the GRAND project and GRAND10k arrays in particular. Located near Dunhuang, in the Gansu province of China, the approved site […]
GRAND antennas are flourishing in the Argentinian pampa! Over the past weeks, four out of ten GRAND@Auger detection units have been deployed at the AERA site of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The deployment efforts were brilliantly conducted by the GRAND teams of Radboud University and Universidade […]
Exciting times are upon us! The very first of 13 detection units of the GRANDProto13 prototype array has been deployed in the desert of XiaoDushan, Dunhuang, China. Once the remaining detection units are deployed, which will happen over the course of the coming days, we can […]
No better way to start a productive new year than to attend the GRAND collaboration meeting, hosted in 2023 by Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. More than 60 GRAND collaborators participated in this fruitful hybrid meeting, with about half attending online. The ongoing efforts within […]
GRAND is gaining momentum post-pandemic with the deployment of various prototypes in several countries. An international agreement has recently been reached to deploy 10 GRAND detection units at the Pierre Auger Observatory site in Malargüe, Argentina. This collaborative effort has been initialized by five institutes in […]
Antennas are finally growing in the forest at Nançay, 2 hours South of Paris. A set-up of 4 GRANDProto300 units was installed in 2022 at the Nançay Radio Observatory as a test bench for detector and trigger optimization. The antennas were shipped from their production site […]
The annual GRAND Collaboration Meeting took place in Paris at LPNHE from December 15 to 17, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the format was hybrid, with ~20 collaborators from various institutes (KIT, Radboud university, Penn state University…) who joined in person while the other collaborators […]
The GRAND collaboration is committed to environmental awareness. Following recommendations of the GRAND Carbon footprint study, GRAND members will endeavor to continually improve their environmental performance as an integral part of the development and operating procedures of the GRAND experiment. The Green Policy discussed at the […]
The annual GRAND Collaboration Meeting took place in Karlsruhe from February 12 to 14, 2020. Due to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our colleagues from China could not join us in person, but joined us remotely. In spite of the shadow already cast by the […]
The GRAND collaboration is concerned about its environmental impact. Following several discussions about this subject in collaboration meetings, and a “GRAND Carbon Committee” was set up. As the experiment is in its prototyping stage, the time is ripe to take decisions according to environmental criteria. A […]