Antennas are finally growing in the forest at Nançay, 2 hours South of Paris. A set-up of 4 GRANDProto300 units was installed in 2022 at the Nançay Radio Observatory as a test bench for detector and trigger optimization. The antennas were shipped from their production site in China and the rest of the equipment was mostly funded by the NUTRIG ANR-DFG grant, a joint grant between Paris (LPNHE and IAP) and Karlsruhe (KIT). The project involves principally LPNHE, Radboud University and KIT. The team is still in the process of debugging the hardware, but the first spectra measured are already promising for the next stages.


Layout of the 4 GRAND@Nançay units at the Nançay Radio Observatory
Pablo and Olivier at work at GRAND@Nançay
The Nançay decametric radio telescope
Testing the radiation of our DAQ at Nançay
Charles explaining data aquisition
Charles disguised as an antenna at Nançay. A bit conspicuous…
Deep in the Nançay forest, butterfly antennas started to grow like mushrooms



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