The program of the GRAND Collaboration Meeting included a visit to the prospective GRANDProto300 site, next to Lenghu, in the Qinhai Province. We were welcomed by the officials from the Qinhai Province and the Lenghu County, who were also present at the inauguration of the meeting, and promised long-term (10 year) access to the site for all GRAND collaboration members.

The meeting opened with an important speech sent by Pierre Lemonde, the Science & Technology Attaché to the French Embassy in Beijing, about the fundamental values of Science, its openness and cooperation spirit.

Excellent talks were given and discussions followed on a rich program particularly focussed on GRANDProto300 (including Science Case, simulations, data analysis, software, antenna and particle detector hardware, etc.) and on GRANDProto35. The organisation and funding of the Collaboration were discussed.

The workshop was followed by a hands-on session on the GRAND software.

The meeting with the Qinhai official hit the Chinese news:







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