First GRANDProto13 antenna deployed!

Exciting times are upon us! The very first of 13 detection units of the GRANDProto13 prototype array has been deployed in the desert of XiaoDushan, Dunhuang, China. Once the remaining detection units are deployed, which will happen over the course of the coming days, we can finally start to do what we like most: to take data! GRANDProto13, together with GRAND@Auger and GRAND@Nançay, will be a crucial pathfinder array to test the prototype detection units, and lay the foundations for GRANDProto300 and eventually a full-scale GRAND neutrino telescope. Needless to say, this first GRANDProto13 antenna deployment has made the GRAND concept a true reality!

The very first GRANDProto13 detection unit! The antenna is mounted on a 3-m pole and the electronics are powered by the solar panel at the base.
A stunning day to install the base of operations for the GRANDProto13 site.
The monitoring room of GRANDProto13. Cozy!